ISBN: 9789588979731
Autor: Pilar Quintana
Resumen: Una conmovedora novela de Pilar Quintana. Damaris, una mujer del Pac�fico entrada en la madurez y con muchas decepciones a cuestas, adopta a una perra y la llama Chirli, como hubiera querido llamar a la hija que nunca tuvo. Nace, as�, una relaci�n intensa y entra�able, en la que Damaris pone todo de s� para enderezar un destino que ya cre�a del todo torcido. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION A moving novel by Pilar Quintana. Damaris, a mature woman from the Pacific with many disappointments behind her, adopts a dog and names her Chirli, which is what she would have named the daughter she never had. Thus is born an intense, fond relationship in which Damaris invests all of herself to straighten out a destiny that she believed was already totally awry. The critics have said: "On the Pacific coast of Colombia, far from an idyllic postcard, Damaris lives with her husband Rogelio. In this corner of the planet, life knows no certainty and dreams coexist with the bloodiest nightmares. Everyone finds themselves fenced in: by the horrible landscape as well as its tumultuous internal limits. In The Dog, Pilar Quintana intertwines human nature and the chaos of the universe with extraordinary mastery. This is a novel full of mysteries about unrequited desires, guilt, and the places that love still circulates." -Gabriela Alem�n "The Dog is a novel of true violence. Like the artist she is, Pilar Quintana finds wounds that we didn't know we had, shows us their beauty, and then throws a handful of salt in them." -Yuri Herrera
Editorial: Literatura Random House
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